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Thomas L. Libby, Attorney
San Francisco, California
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Elwyn Green
Texarkana, Texas
Unbreakable® Umbrella
“Tactically discreet ... flies well under the radar ... can cause some serious damage ... very useful for those with little or no formal self-defense training.... If you are on the hunt for a tool which does not bring any unwanted attention, then give the Unbreakable Walking-Stick Umbrella a serious look. Plus you get a great umbrella as well.”
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Phoenix, Arizona
See what others say about Unbreakable® Umbrella
Basic Instincts of Self-Defense
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Greg Premo
Tae Kwon-do 5th Dan
Judo 1st Dan
Personal Defense Readiness (www.tonyblauer.com) Underhill, VT
See what others say about Basic Instincts of Self-Defense.
Self-Defense: Tools of Attack
“This an effective, deadly system of combat that should make the rest of fighting arts nervous.
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Terrance Rasmuson
6th Dan JuJitsu
4th Dan Tenshi Goju Karate
Edmonton, Alberta
See what others say about Self-Defense: Tools of Attack.
Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up!
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Philip Ameris
New Kensington, Pennsylvania
See what others say about Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up!
Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports
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WTF Taekwondo (official publication of WTF)
See what others say about Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports.
The replacement kit seems a little flimsy and the umbrella fabric is crumpled when it arrived.
Good replacement canopy.