Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! Testimonials

Our Customers and Reviewers Tell You About Power High Kicks with No Warm-Up!

“I recently purchased your new video on Power High Kicks. It was the very best. Very informative and the live footage was great. [My kicks are] faster, [with] more power—not as much time stretching.”

Philip Ameris
New Kensington, Pennsylvania

“Since Mac taught me how to kick I can throw powerful roundhouse kicks and spinning kicks above my head without a slightest warm-up. Without even one squat or one leg raise. And I am 42 now.”

Thomas Kurz
Island Pond, Vermont

“My raising kicks on kibon are higher. My balance is better in my spinning kicks and side kicks. I’m working on my roundhouse kicks, trying to go higher. I have learned that the kicks don’t have to hurt [me]!”

Rosemary Geoffrey
Fairlee, Vermont

“Kicks have improved! [My] workouts do include your tips. In my taekwondo teaching, I have used your techniques in class.”

Donald Lussier
Milton, Vermont

“I used to have pain in my upper outside hip when I round kicked [did the roundhouse kicks]. My former instructor had no clue what the problem was. By watching your video Power High Kicks I solved the problem (that I had for months) in a few days. It amazed me!”

Martin Wickersham
Phillips, Wisconsin

“This method of warming-up and working out is much faster than what is traditionally taught.”

Jon Miller
Indian Wells, California

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