Lose your temper, lose your fight
“Keep your temper. Do not quarrel with an angry person. It is foolish and an exercise in futility. Give him a soft answer. It is commanded by holy writ, and furthermore, it will make him a lot madder than anything else you could say.” — Prairie Rambler
“An angry mind is a weak mind. A weak mind soon becomes a sick mind.” — Peter Ragnar
Throwing profanities, especially in a confrontation, betrays weakness — of mental, verbal, and physical skills — yes, the physical skills. Good fighters — strong people — are calm, confident enough not to lose their temper.
Take a police officer using “strong talk” for instance, “Get up against the f***** car or I will blow your f***** head off,” to intimidate an adversary (not necessarily a suspect, just someone the police officer wants to intimidate). Well, in addition to the thing about anger, loud talking worsens perception and thus reaction time. Consider this quote: “It’s difficult to shoot at the same time you’re talking; usually your mouth has to stop before your trigger finger can start” (Street Survival: Tactics for Armed Encounters by Adams, McTernan, and Remsberg, 1980). What goes for the trigger finger, goes for any one of your limbs.
This subject continues in Self-Defense Tip #52 — More on Temper in Self-Defense.
Self-defense tip from Thomas Kurz, co-author of Basic Instincts of Self-Defense and author of Science of Sports Training, Stretching Scientifically, and Flexibility Express.
Self-Defense Moves
For your defense moves to work under stress they must be based on your natural, instinctive reactions, require little strength and limited range of motion, and be proven in fighting experience.To learn how your natural reactions can instantly defeat any unarmed attack, see the video Basic Instincts of Self-Defense.
Defend Against Weapons
To defend against weapons you have to know how they are used. Also — every stick has two ends … the weapon of attack may become a weapon of defense in your hand …To learn how the typical street weapons (club, knife, razor) are used by an experienced streetfighter and how to practice with them, see the video Self-Defense: Tools of Attack — Club, Hatchet, Blackjack, Knife, Straight Razor.
Mental Toughness
Staying cool under pressure is more important for self-defense than being physically fit and technically skilled. If you can’t control your mind what can you control?To learn mental techniques that let you calmly face any threat and act rationally in the heat of a fight, click here.
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