16 minutes of killing

This does not contain practical advice, so it is not a self-defense tip but a statement of fact.

Last weekend in London three murderers killed 7 people and injured 48, of which 21 critically. The attackers drove a car into a crowd and then proceeded to knife people.

The attack lasted 16 minutes.

Police arrived eight minutes into the attack and it took them another eight minutes to kill the attackers.

None of the attacked people was allowed to have a baton or pepper spray or any other defensive weapon. That is the law in the UK.

London police is very proud of its very fast response. Really.

6 thoughts on “16 minutes of killing”

  1. I strongly agree. This is freaky…
    And still, I see lots of people, standing for total ban on arms. In Russia in most cases they are former or current (active) police officers or other people actually having guns.

  2. Some reports mentioned that unarmed police were there in the area, but fled from the attackers as well. It took 8 minutes for the armed flying squad to get there.
    I’ve yet to hear a description of the knives being used, other than “big” or “long.” How to defend against such an attack depends very much on the reach of the weapons, the coordination of the attackers and what you might have available as a weapon. I suppose cars still have tire irons. Cafés have chairs, tables.
    Many questions….

  3. The goal has always been to turn the populace at large in any country into sheep, defenseless and timid. Each individual needs to wake up to their personal responsibility for their own safety and those of their loved ones. When that happens the tides will turn. If the population at large continues relying on military forces and special police units to protect them they are abdicating their responsibility as a human being and deserve what they get. As for me I am prepared to protect my family and those around me. I have no military background, but if attacked I will be ferocious in defending my ground where appropriate and escaping or evading when necessary and will use any and every means available. I often feel ill prepared at all the threats around us, but the simple step of being aware of my surroundings and looking for a way out in case of an emergency is a huge mindset to have. I occasionally play whatever scenarios, and chart out in my head what I would do if such and such happened. Unfortunately people are so involved in social media, and their phones that they truly are not aware of the wolf at the door.

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