Good Use and Bozos

We like our products be put to good use in a good cause so since government-sponsored gangs began assaulting people in one city, we offer a discount to orders from there. Alas, not all who take advantage of the discount intend to use our Unbreakable® Umbrellas for defending themselves. Some are just bozos like those in the video below.

Bozos vs. the Unbreakable® Umbrella

Two weak bozos playing with a two-handed sword and the Unbreakable® Umbrella

Despite the bozos we continue offering the discount — we won’t stop supporting the serious guys just because of a few bozos who live in the same city.

2 thoughts on “Good Use and Bozos”

  1. The bozo with the sword has no clue how to strike. Had he a clue, both the umbrella and the sword would end up deep in the skull of the other bozo.

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