Fighting stance that protects your vital targets
Here is what you must do when facing strikes and kicks. Put your arms “on guard,” your left leg forward to keep your liver (which is on your right side) further away from the attacker. A good shot to your liver could temporarily paralyze your diaphragm, or even cause internal bleeding, or rupture your gall bladder (which without surgery leads to death). Protect the liver with your right elbow, but since you need to protect your face and neck at the same time, hunch to your right so your right fist shields your right jaw. Leading with the left lets you protect face, neck, and solar plexus with your left shoulder and arm while your right arm performs the same service for your liver, the right lower part of your face, and the right side of your neck.
Use minimal shifts of your forearms and elbows to block punches or, in the worst case, to shield yourself with elbows, forearms, and fists.
Position yourself to slow down an attacker
People move faster and stronger straight forward than in any other direction. This is why you should not stand directly in front of a potential opponent, that is, in the opponent’s center line. By standing (or moving) out of the opponent’s center line, you force the opponent to reorient himself to face you (to have you in his center line) before attacking you. This reorienting keeps you from being surprised and buys you time for reacting. Those familiar with the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) Loop understand what I mean.
Position yourself at about 45° angle off anybody’s center line, whether you face each other or you are behind. If you stand in the line of the attack, even if you block it, your counterattack will be that much more difficult. Keep a minimum distance of one leg length (the attacker’s leg length) between you, so it is hard to surprise you.
Position yourself off anybody’s center line
Now, with what you just learned, watch the below video with its really useful lessons, and notice what important lesson is missing. What do you think? Leave a comment!
Attack caught on camera — body language & personal safety lessons for everyone
Fighting stance and posture can stop a fight before it even begins. The video below shows how.
The 3 key principles of fighting stance and posture that can stop a fight before it even begins
Recommended reading (and viewing):
Self-Defense Tip #111 — Sucker Punch: What Not to Do
This tip is based on the video Basic Instincts of Self-Defense. Get this video now and have all its info — not just the crumbs! Order Now!
Self-defense tip from Thomas Kurz, co-author of Basic Instincts of Self-Defense and author of Science of Sports Training, Stretching Scientifically, and Flexibility Express.
Self-Defense Moves
For your defense moves to work under stress they must be based on your natural, instinctive reactions, require little strength and limited range of motion, and be proven in fighting experience.To learn how your natural reactions can instantly defeat any unarmed attack, see the video Basic Instincts of Self-Defense.
Defend Against Weapons
To defend against weapons you have to know how they are used. Also — every stick has two ends … the weapon of attack may become a weapon of defense in your hand …To learn how the typical street weapons (club, knife, razor) are used by an experienced streetfighter and how to practice with them, see the video Self-Defense: Tools of Attack — Club, Hatchet, Blackjack, Knife, Straight Razor.
Mental Toughness
Staying cool under pressure is more important for self-defense than being physically fit and technically skilled. If you can’t control your mind what can you control?To learn mental techniques that let you calmly face any threat and act rationally in the heat of a fight, click here.
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Here is the missing lesson: always be ready to step out of the line of a possible attack.