Are You Category Number 1, 2, or 3?

Our products, such as Unbreakable® Umbrellas, are bought by three categories of people:

Category 1
Clowns. They treat weapons like toys, not like means for defending themselves. See examples below.

Two clowns and the Unbreakable® Walking-Stick Umbrella

More clowning, with the Unbreakable® Walking-Stick Umbrella and the Unbreakable® telescopic Umbrella

Category 2
Stupid and lazy types, unwilling to check instructions and to follow them, and additionally, without a sense of how to hold an object for best control. They buy weapons but don’t bother to learn their use, much less practice with them. See examples below.

A klutz with the Unbreakable® Walking-Stick Umbrella vs. a coconut
A man, without a sense of how to hold an object for best control, holds an umbrella as stupidly as the sheltered kind in the video “How Not to Strike with the Unbreakable® Umbrella” (see below), so his strikes at the flying coconut keep on missing and the umbrella’s canopy opens.

How not to strike with the Unbreakable® Umbrella

Clumsy things, or rather stupid things, people of category 2 do with the Unbreakable® Telescopic Umbrella

Category 3
Sensible people, who know enough to follow instructions. They learn the proper use of their weapons and keep practicing to stay sharp.

Any idea how to repel categories 1 and 2?

4 thoughts on “Are You Category Number 1, 2, or 3?”

  1. To possibly repel category 1 and 2, have a short training video somewhere in the purchase, that people should watch, and gives a one-time discount for their umbrella only purchase (not accessories).
    I have been an Unbreakable customer since 2012.
    I have never used it for any other purpose other than an umbrella, and walking stick. When people ask me about my favorite weapon, this site is where I send them.
    I have never had to use it in a defense situation. I occasionally practice holding it and some defensive motions so I am prepared. My children ask me why I chose it, I tell them because I can take it anywhere. They then ask me why have one at all if I don’t use it, and I tell them the greatest weapon is the one you never have to use. As Roosevelt said, speak softly and carry a big stick.

    1. We did something similar. For each umbrella model we set up a Condition for Purchase that must be accepted for the umbrella to be added to cart. These Conditions for Purchase include links to instruction videos and state that not following instructions in those videos voids a given umbrella model’s warranty. For example, the Condition for Purchase of our Model U-212s states:

      “you agree to follow its [model U212s] Use and Care Instructions, including those shown in our instruction videos: How to Carry and How to Fold Unbreakable® Telescopic Umbrella U-212s and Important Instructions Because Unbreakable® Telescopic Umbrella Got Popular with the Wrong Kind. Not following those instructions voids the Unbreakable® Telescopic Umbrella Model U-212s’ warranty.

      By pressing the Accept button and placing your order you agree to the above condition.

      All this doesn’t help much with the category 2 types. True to type, they don’t check instructions, just press the Accept button.

    2. back when i bought mine many years ago, it actually came with a dvd containing self defense tips and best use guides. So the team here really do the best job I’ve seen of any company when it comes to not only making great products, but also making sure they give customers the knowledge needed to make the best use of them.
      I’m now the proud owner of three, and they’re still my most prized, reliable, and enduring possessions. not many people make products with such skill, care and integrity these days, so i really salute the team here for everything they do.

      1. We still include that miniDVD with every umbrella we ship. In addition, every buyer of any model of the Unbreakable® Umbrella gets a discount coupon code for the best video courses on self-defense with the umbrella or any blunt weapon. Info on two such courses, one for Unbreakable® Telescopic Umbrella models and one for Unbreakable® Walking-Stick Umbrella models, is in Self-Defense Tip 122–Good Advice from Reviewers of Unbreakable® Umbrellas (

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